All of these photographs from the 1804 Movement event were taken by Cat Watters.

I spoke with Ed Hedemann of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee who said he was out because, “it’s not so much Trump as it is this forced emigration by the U.S. Government. Obama was sending people back before Trump was. Trump is Obnoxious but, Obama was doing similar kinds of things, deporting people. I’m against this sort of deportation especially people who were brought to this country as little kids. I mean, It’s Outrageous that they’re sending people back. Trump’s characterization of Haiti and African countries is outrageous”.
I asked Ed about being a ‘War Tax Resister’ and he replied:
“People think the war and the military in this country in this country is driven by Congress, by the President, by the Pentagon, by military corporations but, the bottom Line is, IT’S THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY, THE TAXPAYERS, THAT ARE PAYING FOR IT. IF THE TAX PAYERS REFUSED, EVEN A SIGNIFICANT, SMALL PORTION OF THEM, THAT WOULD SEND A VERY STRONG MESSAGE. I CAN’T IMAGINE GOING OUT AND PROTESTING THESE WARS AND THEN TURNING AROUND AND PAYING FOR IT”.
According to the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, “Ed Hedemann has been refusing to pay taxes for war since 1970 and has locked horns with the I.R.S. many times.”

NEWS 12 recently said it would not air Refuse Fascism co-initiator Carl Dix’s piece if he used the word ‘Shithole’ but here on Democracy Chronicles, we tell it like it is. Carl Dix of said:
“We’re gathering here, we’re marching through Brooklyn, across the Brooklyn Bridge to 40 Wall Street because people are outraged that Donald Trump’s vile comments. Trump saying immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and Africa come from Shithole countries. No, Trump is the real Shithole. He’s the Shithole in Chief. His comments reflect this Nazi shit. It has the logic of Demonizing one group, demonizing another group and then crushing them one by one”.
See my FB page for more of my footage from the event but here is one video:
Information from the Event’s Facebook page:
Come OUT & March with the Haitian community & other immigrant forces across the Brooklyn Bridge to a rally at Wall Street’s Trump Building (40 Broadway) in response to his racist words & policies.
JANUARY 19, 2018
8:00 a.m.: Assemble at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn
9:00 a.m.: Start the March down Flatbush Avenue
12:30 p.m.: Rally Trump Building, 40 Wall Street
On January 11, the eve of the 8 anniversary of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, President Donald Trump called Haiti a “shithole” country, along with El Salvador and African nations. In response, New York’s Haitian community, with the solidarity of progressive U.S. parties and movements, will MARCH BY THE THOUSANDS down Flatbush Avenue, ACROSS THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE to paralyze downtown Manhattan.
Organized by the 1804 Movement for All Immigrants*
1583 Albany Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11210
*Through a successful rebellion led by enslaved Africans, on January 1st 1804, Haiti became an independent nation

Organizers lead a few hundred demonstrators of mostly Haitian descent in chants like, “No Justice, No Peace” and “Impeach, Donald Trump”, in call and response fashion at the Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn early this cold January morning getting prepared to walk to the end of Flatbush Avenue then turning to cross the Brooklyn Bridge to head down Broadway to 40 Wall Street, where they will rally at the Trump building.

New York State Assemblyman Charles Barron joined the march on this cold morning to oppose the remarks of “President” Trump referring to Haiti and other countries as “Shit hole countries”. Barron has previously been vocal in his support of the cause of Nicholas Heyward Sr. who is still seeking justice for his son, 13 year old Nicholas Heyward Jr. who was shot and killed by NYPD back in 1994 while playing cops and robbers with plastic toy guns in the Gowanus houses, part of the New York City Housing Authority residences.
Assemblyman Barron said he came out today because, “It’s not just his comments, he’s a racist. He should be impeached. It’s his policies throughout the world, for Africa, for Haiti, for the Caribbean, for Latin America. “THIS IS A MAN UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT”. Barron also said it’s the U.S. and France who should be giving Haiti reparations for crimes against humanity.
For the video of New York State Assemblyman Charles Barron see my Facebook:

The Hidden History of Haiti is a ‘feature length documentary film about the untold history of the Haitian revolution’. Listen to a related podcast or take a look at the documentary’s trailer:
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