Advocates have provided up to $5.8million to encourage Congress to adopt a voting bill compromise. The bill is expected to curtail any attempts to further erode the right to vote in America. This article published by NBC News is written by Jane C. Timm. Here is an excerpt:
The progressive group End Citizens United and Let America Vote Action Fund will spend $5.8 million to promote Democrats’ voting rights compromise bill with television, mail and digital advertisements in five states.
A group of Democratic senators, including Joe Manchin of West Virginia, introduced a bill last week called the Freedom to Vote Act, a pared–down version of the sweeping legislation Democrats sought to pass earlier this year.
The bill’s fate is uncertain in a busy Congress: Republicans have opposed Democratic-advanced voting legislation, and some Democrats have been unwilling to amend filibuster rules to pass the legislation through the Senate without Republican support.
Read the full article here.
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