This article by Rachel Sanderson is published by Bloomberg. Here is an excerpt:
In the ten months since he became prime minister, Mario Draghi has brought to Italy a period of bounty and stability unprecedented in recent times. So getting him to stay in a position of authority — any position of authority — over Italy for as long as possible has become a mantra in Italian political and business circles. It’s a mounting concern given the historical precariousness of the country’s governments and coalitions.
Even though Germany and France are the EU’s biggest economies, the future of the European project depends on whether Italy — the third largest — can grow after stagnating for two decades. The past year under Draghi has seen Italy post 6.3% growth. He’s provided the stability and impetus for the structural reforms demanded by Brussels in exchange for more than 200 billion euros ($226.4 billion) of post-pandemic EU funds.
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