The latest anti-Putin protests have taken place on Sunday as Russian citizens marched in Moscow against the government’s intervention in the Ukraine conflict . The Ukraine war remains between the Ukrainian government forces and the separatists Russia is supporting to seek independence for eastern Ukraine. Protests against President Vladimir Putin remain rare but marchers openly support the Ukrainian government and those who are trying to keep their county together. According to reports by Moscow Police, more than 5,000 protesters attended the demonstrations.
Since April, more than 3,000 people have died in the Ukraine fighting even though a cease fire was signed in late September. The fighting between the pro-Russian separatist and Ukrainian government forces began when former Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovich refused to sign a trade agreement with the European Union in November 2013. Yanukovych’s failure to sign the pro-EU trade agreement brought about fears throughout the country that Yanukovych was caving into Russian pressure and may have been moving the country permanently toward Russia’s sphere of influence. Yanukovych was removed from office in February 2014 following massive protests leading up to the Russia invasion.

These latest protests comes seven months after Russia annexed the Southern territory of Ukraine known as the Crimea. Protesters carrying signs that said “no to war” took to the streets in Pushkin square to protest the arming of rebels seeking to create a new independent territory inside of a neighboring state. Some of the banners also read, “We are together” and “I don’t want a war in Ukraine”. There was also pro-Russian protest in Moscow on Sunday accusing the current Ukrainian government of being fascist while holding signs criticizing the United States for their support of the new Ukrainian President, Petro Poroschenko.
Attempts at a ceasefire have not been successful over the last few months but another attempt is underway. “If Ukrainian forces are withdrawn it will be done simultaneously with the Russian troop withdrawal.” Andriy Lysenko said who is the National Security and Defence council spokesman for the Ukraine. However, the latest report by NATO’s top general, Phillip Breedlove warned that Russian troops “were still inside Ukraine”.
As the latest protests clearly show, European worries over Russian aggression are shared by many inside Russia as well. “Putin means war, he is the leader of the party of war”, Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov said on Sunday. It is time for Europe and the United States to take this seriously.
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