AUKUS stands for Australia, United Kingdom and United States of America. It is a new strategic alliance to curb the threat China poses to the world generally and Australia in particular. Through this geostrategic alliance Australia will be able to boost its level of deterrence as the United States and the United Kingdom will be helping it acquire nuclear-powered submarines. But the deal has angered France that says “Australia” has betrayed its trust. This interesting article by Hugh Schofield published by the BBC argues that France must accept some hard truths from this development. Here is an excerpt:
This interesting article written by Hugh Schofield is published by BBC. Here is an excerpt:
When they have picked themselves up from their humiliation, the French will need to gather their sangfroid and confront some cruel verities
Number one: there is no sentiment in geostrategy.
The French must see there is no point in wailing about having been shoddily treated. They were.
But who ever heard of a nation short-changing its defence priorities out of not wanting to give offence? The fact is that the Australians calculated they had underestimated the Chinese threat and so needed to boost their level of deterrence.
Read the full analysis here.
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