I am against gerrymandering and want to see every instance of it abolished so Americans have more equality and power when they vote.
Courts: Enemies of Democracy and Equality?
It has never been the lawyers causing all the trouble. Instead, it is courts that promise the world and [yet] yield so little justice.
Camp Lejeune Victim Or Scammer?
My work and cases are evidence of a work ethic he likely has never experienced before, not evidence of me being a scammer.
Camp LeJeune Act Passes, Biden Signed on August 10, 2022
Every child and spouse or former spouse of any veteran should have health coverage and it should apply no matter where they live.
2022: Year Of Radical Change For Camp Lejeune Justice
Indiana has been a purple state dominated and oppressed by Republicans who stack every deck in their own favor, all three branches.
Goodbye Roe v. Wade, Goodbye Rule Of Law
Congress should impeach judges who act like that because it is not good behavior, and they were asked not to act that way when they were confirmed.
Congress Takes Responsibility For Camp Lejeune Poisoning Victims
I was born at Camp LeJeune and had 19 months of exposure to the toxins at the base in utero and as an infant as my father trained for his Vietnam duties.
An Exiled American Attorney On Philippines’ President Duterte
Before I moved here, Duterte launched a crackdown on crime. I don’t know what it was like before, but I’ve never been in a place with less crime.
A Ukrainian Asylum Lawyer Crushed
Russia poses a threat to Ukraine, when I was practicing law, I was challenged for filing asylum claims for Ukrainians in the Chicago area.
Money Removes Some Disability Barriers in Elections
5th Amendment compensation can make possible political activity and campaigns to increase disability democracy access. Money talks.