Untold Americans have actually died for this vital right of ours. To not exercise it disrespects their memory and sacrifice, and to not try to vote when emergency ballots are available is a cop out.
Standing In Line To Vote: The Kids Aren’t Alright
Here’s a big problem, a BIG problem if you’re on the left: “kids” don’t vote. If more millennials voted, with their tattoos and ironic haircuts the Republicans would be out of business forever. It’s that simple.
A Report from the Free Taiwan March in New York City
While this event primarily focused on Taiwan’s situation, they also stood with all peoples living under the grim shadow of the Communist Party of China’s authoritarian regime like Uyghurs, Tibetans, and others.
Psychedelic Therapy: Making the Sick Healthy and the Healthy Even Better
To summarize: psychedelics broaden one’s perspective, shift one’s ideology a little to the “left”, increase empathy, openness, and help one appreciate the beauty of nature. The experiences are profound.
Abortion Vote is a Set-Back for Argentina and Progress
If we move forward, informed by science and medicine and real facts, our species prospers and needless suffering is reduced. If we move backwards, as Argentina just did, we’ll keep walking blindly into hard objects.
Homeopathy Alert: CVS Sued for Fake Medicine
In 2018, when pretty much all the real information we need is a few index finger spasms away from our frontal cortices, garbage reigns supreme. It’s not just fake news, its fake medicine.
Trump Clashes With Koch Brothers, Key Republican Political Donors
Billionaire industrialists lashed out at Trump for imposing tariffs on foreign imports and not controlling the government’s burgeoning long-term debt
Towards a Sane Legal Treatment of ‘Magic Mushrooms’ Psilocybin
The science has been solid for a long time but as usual the politics are decades behind it. As often with public policy, it is a battleground where perceptions and misguided policy cries out for scientific rationalism.
“They Don’t Want You to Know” – Conspiracy Theories
But are overarching, complicated cabals with many players and moving parts influencing world events? Nah. Belief in them is widespread, however, and discloses various personal traits.
Diplomatic Switcheroo in Chinas
The squabbles may seem absurd and petty, but the peace between China and Taiwan has stuck for 70 years without a shot fired and indeed incredible economic benefits inuring to both Chinas and their partners abroad.