Thinking about the events of last week and NAWD/NAWW — National Adjunct Walkout Day and Week — I have become introspective. Aren’t we supposed to keep on going in our struggle, daily?
The Boys Behind the Ayotzinapa Symbol
I went to DC when Peña Nieto was here and it seemed quite the farce. What have we come to when our government condones the actions of a corrupt regime?
Dear Pope Francis: Help the DREAMers
Dear Pope Francis, last year I wrote you. I repeat another letter this year, with the hope that you will answer me, not me necessarily, but all DREAMers
The Seeds of Ayotzinapa Spread
As academics, we think too much. We are paralyzed and thus afraid to think, to act. As Americans, we have forgotten what civil disobedience really means. We can learn a lot from the normalistas, the students in Ayotzinapa.
Parents of Mexican 43 Discuss Ferguson in Video Meetup
This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to watch and listen to the Ayotzinapa students as well as the parents of the 43. Folks from the University of St. Louis as well as Latinos en Accion, from St. Louis, will be present in the video conference call
Rediscovering a Letter to Pope Francis on Behalf of Adjunct Justice
English translation of 2013 letter to Pope Francis (in Spanish) about adjunct academic labor in the US and asking for social justice in Catholic Universities. It is the one year anniversary of this letter about Mary Margaret Vojtko’s death as a Duquesne University adjunct.
Helping with the Refugee Crisis at the Border: A Photo Essay
Think, how bad can things be that a woman leaves her country, not even speaking Spanish —never mind English— because she fears for her life? How can anyone say that she wants to leave her homeland, to come to a country where she does not understand and is not understood?
Anti-Immigration Murrieta Nasties Battle Besos, Not Borders
When anti-immigration Murrieta militants realized we were at the front of the capitol building, they strutted over to cause trouble. The baldie started to yell, shoving a bullhorn right into our faces; at the same time, he would roar, “don’t touch me; don’t touch me.” He was going berserk.
McAllen’s Sacred Heart Leads Efforts Helping Refugee Families
As adjunct activists, we need to remember our collective truth — our nakedness with all its biting candor yet its accurate honesty — and realize that on this earth, we are all in this together: adjunct, dreamer, undocumented — children & parents alike — workers, labor & all unions.
Border Crisis: Where Are Our Tears?
We have been reading much about the border crisis, and though I campaign mostly for adjunct faculty, as I always say, everything is related. We are all in this together. As we can see, we are all disenfranchised. So are the children escaping from their homelands.