It’s James Madison’s Birthday! Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and James Madison drafted the US Constitution and the first fair elections among hundreds of thousands of people in world history
Serbia Moving Towards Europe in Post-Russia Vote
Leading party seeks a Serbia moving towards Europe and away from Soviet imposed strongman era
Ai Weiwei Tells China President Come See My Artwork!
Interview in German newspaper contains an invitation from iconic artist and political activist Ai Weiwei to China President Xi Jinping urging him to visit his latest art exhibition
Over 30 Celebrities Urge UN to Act for Syria’s Palestinians
Roger Waters, Sting, and Hugh Grant among all-star lineup of celebrities calling on the United Nations to act for Syria’s Palestinian civilians caught in some of worst violence of conflict
Fifty Thousand Opposition March in Moscow Against Putin
Despite repeated violence against opponents, opposition march in Moscow against Putin draws masses
Unusual NJ Election Case is First Ever in State
All candidates failed to gain enough signatures after mistake in unusual NJ election case
Turkey PM Taunts Rivals in Spiraling Crisis
Mass street protests target polarizing government ahead of elections as Turkey PM taunts rival
Cao Shunli Dies in Jail for China Human Rights Work
Completely peaceful women’s human rights activist Cao Shunli dies in jail for China and its people
Rural Voters See Much Shorter Voting Lines Than Urban
Shorter voting lines in rural areas contributes to higher turnout than average urban voters
Indonesia’s Widodo Wins Key Endorsement for Election
Unstoppable path to Indonesian Presidency secured further as Joko Widodo wins key endorsement