On February 2003, Dr. Wang Bingzhang was given a one-day trial held behind closed doors, during which he was not allowed to speak, no evidence was presented, and no witnesses were called. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment
Awesome Infographic on Worldwide Over-Consumption
Professional new infographic explores worldwide over-consumption, waste, and inefficiency as charts show energy, food, drink, and garbage of citizens
New Political Writing Competition for College Students
Journalist activist group Press the President has launched new political writing competition for college students that includes reward of $500 in scholarship support
What is the Impact and Benefits of Change.org?
Internet petition giant Change.org allows users to make impact by signing web petitions aimed at government, but what is the real impact of such a strategy today?
Bahrain Protests Reignite Following Court Verdict
Middle Eastern country has minority Sunni population that rules majority Shiites without elections Bahrain Protests Reignite
Obama, Money, and the Corruption of American Elections
Obama has taken great advantage of the corruption of American election’s campaign finance laws
Will Ingrid Betancourt Run for Colombia President?
Dramatic rescue of politician from FARC paved way for Ingrid Betancourt run for Colombia President
Tea Party Fights Transparency for Donor Secrecy
Tea Party fights transparency and wants end to campaign transparency to protect identity of donor
Rob Ford Fiasco Should Spur Canada Election Reform
Canada Election Reform: local and federal election (and recall) reform is following controversy of Rob Ford fiasco
Surprisingly in House Renews Transparency Support
Openness gets slight boost after House renews transparency support speedily and renews penalties