Governor Chris Christie shocked Democrats with NJ early voting veto that harms his own citizens
How Pakistan’s Youth Impact Election Results
Role growing as Pakistan’s youth impact elections reflecting reawakening despite growing violence
Ten Thousand Political Prisoners in Eritrea
Political prisoners in Eritrea suffer the world’s worst repression with massive violence in system
How Gerrymandering Impacted PA School Vote
Gerrymandering impacted PA voting districts perverts the election system in eastern state
Christie Vetoes Early Voting in New Jersey
Early voting hits a brick wall as Governor Chris Christie vetoes early voting protections
NJ Campaign Finance Push Hits Setbacks
Famous for corruption, need of election reform for better government in NJ campaign finance
Turkey Peace Hope as Kurds Withdraw Militants
Peace between enemies could rearrange Middle East amid Turkey peace hope as Kurds withdraw
Detroit Socialist Candidate in Mayoral Election
Hard struck, union heavy city finds Detroit socialist candidate running popular push for mayor
Should Non-Citizens Vote in NYC Elections?
Unusual proposal would allow resident non-citizens vote in NYC elections for local office only
Rival Pakistan Political Parties Make Final Vote Pitch
Amid violence, nation to hold vitally important elections between rival Pakistan political parties