Freedom of information and transparency in Arkansas faces steep hurdles
Cuba Human Rights Groups Hold Conference
Dissidents talk of torture, repression and deaths of activists say Cuba human rights groups
Call to Re-introduce Term Limits in Illinois
Term limits in Illinois contemplated with idea of returning to old system of limits in state government
West Virginia Voter Registration Bill Advances
County clerks, activists unsure of impact of new West Virginia voter registration bill
Missouri Early Voting Law Encourages Voting
St. Louis Dispatch releases editorial backing Missouri early voting law proposal
Secretary of State Protecting Minnesota Elections
Mark Ritchie is one Secretary of State fighting to upholding election integrity and protecting Minnesota elections
League of Women Voters Warn Wisconsin Bill Dangerous
Election law proposal gets swift opposition as League of Women Voters warn Wisconsin citizens
Clampdown on China Muslim and Tibetan Minorities
Dictatorship accused of renewed mass violence in repression of China Muslim and Tibetan minorities
North Carolina Voter ID Bill Draws Scorn
Political clashes rage over proposed North Carolina Voter ID bill and its effect on minorities
Arkansas Moves to Open Doors to Political Money
Arkansas Republicans intent on rewriting election laws about political money to favor party interests are making a mistake