Entrance into Myanmar visit from Google could be hugely revolutionary for closed tech nation
Major Push for Wisconsin Early Voting in Contention
Retired senator Russ Feingold is leader in fight for Wisconsin early voting for state elections
Leaders Have Stolen Massive Russian Wealth Away
Blogger videos expose lavish lifestyle of connected leaders who’ve stolen massive Russian wealth
Can Citizen United be Used to Strengthen Unions?
Citizen’s United dismantled restrictions on money’s influence but is used to strengthen unions
Voting Starts in Zimbabwe Constitutional Referendum
New constitution based on Zimbabwe Constitutional Referendum voting sees Presidential powers reduced, but will it work?
False Voter Fraud Claims Still Surfacing Nationwide
False voter fraud is more common than exceedingly rare cases that are pretext to voting barriers
Historic UN Violence Against Women Act Passes
UN Violence Against Women Act is global success on issue with horrific violence needing changes
Negative Campaign Ads Harm American Democracy
Today’s politicians often use overly negative campaign ad blitz where the origin is unknown
Arizona in Supreme Court on Voter ID Push
Supreme Court on voter id law in Arizona would harm poor and minority voter disproportionately
Call for Dictatorship to Release Vietnam Blogger
Dissent and government criticism illegal with many in dictatorship jails as calls rise for government to release Vietnam blogger jailed for his democracy support