The fate of Razan Zaitouneh and her colleagues has remained a mystery throughout the Syrian war. DW investigators unravel the puzzle.
The Role Of Voting Technology In South Africa
As South Africa prepares for local elections amid a deadly outbreak of Covid-19, it is vital to look into tech solutions that can ease the vote.
Can Hong Kong’s Civil Liberties Survive Another Year?
Hong Kong’s civil liberties are at risk, with free speech stifled and police given the power to arrest people who oppose the government.
Few AZ Voter Fraud Cases, Discrediting Trump’s Claims
Trump’s claims of voter fraud have been debunked again, with Arizona election authorities finding fewer than 200 cases of possible fraud.
Lawmakers Push To Bring Ranked Voting To D.C.
A majority of D.C. council members are in favor of a plan that would implement ranked-choice voting in the District as early as 2024.
Targeting The Dark Money Attacking US Democracy
A complaint filed at the FEC accuses 18 super PACs of misleading voters by hiding party political action committees that financed them.
Can Democracy Come To Cuba?
A key observer argues that while recent protests are extraordinary and signify change, many forces in Cuba are pushing against democracy.
Redistricting App Helps You Comply with the VRA
In the last decade, Dave’s Redistricting App (DRA) has grown in popularity among groups looking to create their own redistricting maps.
Why Is It So Hard To Settle A Disputed Election?
Unlike other established democracies, the U.S. has unique constitutional requirements and a tangle of local, state, and federal relations.
Hong Kong Book Fair Sees Self-Censorship
Booksellers at Hong Kong’s annual book fair have indulged in self-censorship, offering a reduced selection of “politically sensitive” books.