Republicans have backed legislation in some of the most diverse states that might make it more difficult for some people to vote.
China bans pro-democracy candidates in Macau elections
China has banned pro-democracy candidates from Macau elections. This follows China’s anti-democracy end game in Hong Kong.
Cuba’s Internet Cutoff: A New Tactic To Suppress Dissent
Cuban authorities have restricted social media sites, ostensibly to stifle information flow into, out of, and inside the embattled country.
Federal Officials Predict Repeat Of 2020 Election Threats
Three federal cybersecurity authorities argue that threats to election security that surfaced last year are likely to resurface this year.
Including Election Systems As Critical Infrastructure
Former US CISA director Chris Krebs said that election systems should be classified as critical infrastructure by Australian lawmakers.
Vietnam Jails High-Profile Journalist
In a closed-door trial Friday, a Vietnam court jailed former radio journalist and pro-democracy activist Pham Chi Thanh for over 5 years.
Dutch Crime Journalist Peter R de Vries wounded in shooting
Journalists are not safe even in Europe. Popular Dutch crime journalists Peter R de Vries, 64, was shot minutes after leaving a TV studio.
Reforming the Recall Elections For Better Outcomes
Recall elections in California are overly bulky, and they risk replacing an elected politician with someone who is even less popular.
Latin America Countries Clash Over Authoritarian Pasts
The revival of leftist politics in South America reflects its struggle with its authoritarian past rather than political flip-flopping.
Italy Is Lowering Voting Age From 25 To 18
Italy’s Senate voted on Thursday to reduce the age at which citizens are allowed to vote for senators in the country from 25 to 18.