Local elections in April usually draw a small turnout, but a small Missouri town set a new low this week when none of its 70 people voted.
The States Working To Expand Felon Voting Rights
Bills expanding voting rights have been introduced in many states to tackle felon disenfranchisement which mostly affects blacks.
Should Teens Be Allowed To Work As Poll Workers?
A4906 is a bill that would enable New Jersey teens between the ages of 16 and 18 to get more engaged in politics serving as poll workers
Exodus Of Top Election Officials Becoming Nationwide Danger
There is an exodus of election officials. Lack of support and attacks fueled by conspiracy theories are two major reasons for their flight.
How To Close Avenues Of Foreign Meddling In US Elections
What is shocking is how much of foreign meddling in US elections is legal, with seven admin gaps allowing for 83% of the operation.
A Historical Overview of Turnover In US Senatorial Elections
With each major party becoming more extreme, 2022 may be a watershed moment of more senators losing nomination than since 1982.
Can Climate Change Affect Redistricting?
Ohio’s 9th District is so thin that they actually drove to Lake Erie to monitor sea levels with respect to the contiguity of the district.
6 Major Ai Weiwei Artworks On Social Issues in China
Ai Weiwei is without a doubt the most well-known living Chinese artist today, but he isn’t given the credit he deserves in China.
Autocrats In The 21st Century Aren’t Like Past Dictators
Strong-arm tactics do trigger a reaction that ultimately topples autocrats. Often, though, repression helps autocrats stay in power.
How Wealth Inequality Affects American Democracy
Wealth inequality affects American democracy. It creates an opportunity for some individuals to use government for private gain.