China’s cyber regulator set up a hotline to monitor online comments that are disparaging of the ruling Communist Party and its history.
The Business Case For Democracy
Crony capitalism gone wild has resulted in wealth disparities, a loss of confidence in governments, and environmental degradation.
Dissent Crackdown Highlights Turkey’s Drift From Democracy
Turkey’s ruling party’s recent attempt to circumvent opposition in parliament has put doubt on the country’s democratic path.
Can New Election Laws Pull Armenia Out Of Crisis?
Faced with waning popular support, allies of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian are now working to reform Armenia’s election laws.
New York In Legal Battle To Limit Third Party Access
New York lodged a brief in three ballot access cases brought by minor parties requesting respect of its limitations on third parties.
CEOs Gather To Speak About Election Law Changes
More than 100 CEOs gathered online this weekend to share their reactions to restrictive voting laws being considered in several states.
Online Art Project Highlights Hong Kong Democracy Protests
Two Hong Kong-born artists in Canada are leading a pro-democracy online art project: “be water: collected memories of our hong kong.”
A Third Election Without Main Opposition Parties In Benin
Benin’s main opposition parties have been excluded from the ongoing electoral process, the 3rd time major parties are sidelined in elections.
The Return of Palestinian Politics
Whether or not the vote takes place, scheduling of legislative elections for May 22 in Palestine is remarkable, a return of Palestinian politics.
Zimbabwe’s President Using Legal Changes to Grab Power
Zimbabwe’s Senate has approved contentious constitutional changes that strengthen President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s power grab.