Despite having a strong campaign finance legislation, Canada needs to reinforce its political process by reining in the influence of cash.
Georgia Republicans Take Aim at Role of Black Churches in Elections
Georgia Republicans are proposing new weekend voting limits, which could greatly limit political participation of black churches.
China’s Parliament To Overhaul Hong Kong Electoral System
Elections for Hong Kong’s legislature will likely be deferred for a second year as Beijing plans a major overhaul of the city’s electoral system.
Worldwide All-time High Proportion of Women Parliamentarians
The proportion of women parliamentarians worldwide reached more than 25 per cent last year– a historic first but still far from gender parity.
Repressive Prison Terms For Former Cambodia Opposition Leaders
Recent jail sentences for exiled senior leaders of the dissolved Cambodian National Rescue Party are disproportionate, UN experts.
Facial Recognition Technology Can Predict A Person’s Political Orientation
A new study shows that from a person’s Facebook profile picture, facial recognition technology can reliably predict their political views.
Florida’s Partisan Push to Restrict Vote-by-Mail Access
Changing the law to require voters to reapply each election cycle would make voting by mail even more difficult for Floridians.
Why Judges, Not Lawmakers, Should Rule on Disputed Elections
Before our democracy is challenged again, we must reaffirm the judiciary’s role as the institution ideally suited to adjudicate contested elections.
Georgia’s Corporate Giants Tiptoe Into Raging Voting Rights Debate
Under pressure from civil rights groups, some of Georgia’s largest corporations and supporters in the Capitol are enacting new voter restrictions.
Alaska Preparing For Its First Ever Ranked-Choice Election
The passage of Ballot Measure 2 has changed the way voters in Alaska vote in state and federal elections in two significant ways: