I was an opponent of ranked-choice voting. I didn’t take the time to look at what was actually happening where ranked-choice voting had been deployed.
Navalny Releases Major Investigation Into Putin’s Wealth
Navalny’s team has released a mammoth investigation into Vladimir Putin’s wealth, including a £1bn palace on the Black Sea.
A Spectre of Violent Repression Looming Over Haiti
Increasing political tensions in Haiti coupled with insecurity could result in protests followed by violent crackdowns by authorities
Gerrymandering Remains Potent Threat to Democracy
Now voting rights groups are sounding the alarm about future gerrymandering — the redrawing of congressional districts to heavily favor one party.
Queens Set to Hold NYC’s First Ranked-Choice Election
The launch of ranked-choice voting will be a special election to replace the vacant seat in the 24th City Council District.
Libyan Sides Agree to Hold Constitutional Referendum This Year
A fresh round of talks will be held in Egypt next month in which the “road map for the referendum and elections” will be decided.
Trump Has Discussed Starting a New Political Party
Mr. Trump discussed the matter with several aides and other people close to him last week, people have said.
Digital Interference in Elections Is Widespread Worldwide
Freedom House is piloting a new research initiative to investigate the interplay between digital platforms and election integrity.
Report Reveals Bloody Purge of Egyptian Political Prisoners
187 out of the 222 defendants were subjected to enforced disappearance, 40 of them were subjected to torture and other cruel treatment.
Blind Massachusetts Voters Worry About Mail Voting Barriers
Use of the accessible mail-in system relies on a voter having access to a computer, printer and the internet in the first place.