Art has been a powerful medium of protest and creative expression to expose the deception and social bankruptcy of tyranny.
First Bill of New Democratic Senate to be Election Reforms
It is unprecedented and encouraging that Senate leaders have said they will introduce the For the People Act as the first bill in the session.
Why Arizona is Working to Ban Voting With a Sharpie Marker
For the first time ever in 2020, Arizona voters were given Sharpie permanent markers to mark their ballots at Arizona polls this year.
Fierce Debate Over Legality of Ranked Voting in Austin, Texas
Austin could have the chance to vote on significant changes to the city’s governance and democratic process if a petition submitted is deemed valid.
Innovative New Book is a User’s Guide to Democracy
Providing solutions to the real problems facing humanity in the world today – solutions that are so practical that they have been tried and tested.
Repressive Uganda Internet Restrictions Spiked Before Election
Voters also endured a mass internet shutdown despite pressure from the international community to refrain from such actions.
Why Illinois Needs an Independent Redistricting Commission
People who live in states where their legislatures determine voting districts could live under gerrymandered maps until 2031 unless reform happens now.
How Bad Jokes Complicated Protecting Californian Elections
Public records show California’s scattershot cybersecurity approach ensnared some people who say they were joking.
Russian Authorities Jail Poisoned Putin Critic Navalny
Alexei Navalny, Russia’s most prominent opposition politician, was detained for 30 days pending a court hearing.
Biden and Democrats Outline Major Election Reform Push
The newly empowered Democrats are putting together the finishing touches on legislation to fix American elections.