There is quite a lot of information about US electoral politics yet the country’s history of disputed elections is still largely unknown.
Racing the Clock on Election Security
Readiness is vital to successful voting. However, less than 100 days to elections, the US is still racing the clock on election security.
Poll: More Than Half of Young People Lack Resources to Vote by Mail
Vote-by-mail requires resources. But a new poll shows half of the young people eligible to vote may not be able to secure these resources.
Is Britney Spears allowed to vote?
Since 2008, Britney Spears has been under a conservatorship. It’s possible she’s joined thousands of Americans disenfranchised yearly by “incompetence” laws.
Latin America facing a ‘decline of democracy’ under Covid pandemic
Covid-19 required appropriate response from governments. Responses have been poor in some regions, with democracy even declining in Latin America.
Ransomware continues to be election-security fear for local officials
Upended by the disastrous pandemic, the 2020 election is facing yet another attack on the vote from ransomware.
Technology Works Behind the Scenes to Keep US Mail-in Voting Secure
The fact this year’s general election will involve mail-in-voting like never before has raised concerns about the safety of the vote.
House Approves Measure to Rename Voting Rights Bill After John Lewis
John Lewis was an ardent advocate for voting rights for all. The House has voted to rename the H.R.4 in his name to honour his legacy.
Trump, Biden build legal armies for electoral battlefield
Many experts predict the 2020 election will be one of the most litigated in U.S. history. Trump and Biden are constituting legal armies in preparation.
Turkey: Social Media Law Will Increase Censorship
The Turkish government is pushing a bill that will allow it control of social media. HRW published an article which urged parliament and social media firms to oppose it.