In stark opposition to the views held by President Trump, two-thirds of Americans are in support of mail-in voting. This data was established by a new poll.
Trump’s False Attacks on Voting by Mail Stir Broad Concern
President Trump is unrelenting when it comes to his often baseless attacks on mail-in voting. These false attacks have stirred broad concern.
Securing voter registration databases takes on added importance in pandemic, DHS official says
The coronavirus is significant for the US electoral landscape. Securing voter registration databases has taken on added importance during the pandemic.
Killing of 2 Zimbabweans by Chinese Man Rehashes China’s racial prejudice in Africa
Killing of 2 Zimbabweans by Chinese man over pay rehashes concerns of Chinese racial prejudice and impunity in Africa enabled by corrupt African regimes.
Political Violence Flares in Malawi Ahead of Fresh Polls
Malawi’s Electoral Commission said it was confident Tuesday’s presidential rerun will be free of irregularities. But violence has flared ahead of the polls.
Election chaos renews focus on gutted Voting Rights Act
Earlier this month, Georgia voters endured bad weather to cast their votes. The chaos has renewed focus on the gutted voting rights act.
Can foreign countries counterfeit mail-in ballots as Trump claims?
Trump continues to bash vote-by-mail. He now says foreign countries could counterfeit millions of mail-in ballots. Experts have said his claims are nonsense.
What John Bolton wishes for Trump re-election bid
John Bolton wrote a tell-off from his time as Trump’s aide and now says he won’t vote for the president and hopes Trump has only one term in office.
Congress must act now to help states with vote-by-mail in November, experts say
Decisive steps are required to ensure successful vote-by-mail in November 2020. Experts have argued congress must act now for this to happen.
Don’t underestimate resilience of the smart new despotisms
A recent development is the smart character of new despotisms. A new perspective argues that it would be a mistake to underestimate their resilience.