The U.S. is hard hit by the coronavirus. Voters face potential life-or-death choices in states with limited absentee voting.
Partisan battle erupts over US Postal Service as some look to mail-in ballots amid pandemic
Due to coronavirus lawmakers are pushing for mail-in ballots ahead of 2020 polls. A battle has erupted over the future of the crippled U.S. Postal Service.
‘He Found One of Stalin’s Mass Graves. Now He’s in Jail’
Amateur historian, Yuri Dmitriev, finally found Stalin’s mass graves. He is now in jail for paedophilia, a charge often used to silence voices in Russia.
Biden says Trump will try to delay the election. Experts say he can’t.
What is the possibility of Trump delaying the November 2020 election? Joe Biden thinks the president is going to try to do so but experts disagree.
‘Beginning of the end’ for Hong Kong? Two systems ‘dead as a Dodo’
Hong Kong pro-democracy activists are looking to seize opportunities to counter crack-down, Beijing a plan to end the “one country, two systems” framework.
‘We can’t afford to wait’: coronavirus could shut out droves of new US voters
Low voter registration due to coronavirus is likely to affect sections of the electorate little favourable to the GOP but that could have high turnout.
How Will Chief Justice and Supreme Court Conservative Majority Affect 2020 Election?
Currently, all Supreme Court conservatives are Republican appointees and all liberals, Democratic. This could have bearing on 2020 electoral disputes.
Autocratic assertion meets democratic dereliction
During coronavirus, autocrats and would be ones are finding opportunities for tyranny, insisting that this is to protect public health, Economist.
How Absentee Voting for US Troops Won the Civil War and Ended Slavery
In the Civil War era, it was the votes of U.S. troops that put Lincoln over the top and forever changed the way Americans at war vote in elections.
Coronavirus will necessitate recruitment effort unseen since World War II to staff voting booths, election official warns
The last time we saw considerable efforts to staff voting booths was during World War II. Election official warns coronavirus may require even more efforts.