Democratic heartlands in swing states are expanding vote by mail ballot-access during coronavirus. Trump’s home county in Florida is also planning to do so.
Russia meddled in 2016 elections, bipartisan report reaffirms
Allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 elections continue to receive attention. A new bipartisan report reaffirms Russian meddling.
COVID-19’s new pretexts for consolidating autocrats’ power
Coronavirus has inspired dictatorships in the world that are not wasting any opportunity to achieve even tighter grip on basic freedoms.
A pandemic nearly derailed the women’s suffrage movement
Women overcame influenza, social distancing, and political bias to win the right to vote. National Geographic returns to this story during coronavirus.
Coronavirus displaced college students worry how they are going to vote
The coronavirus forced the world into lockdown. Students are particularly affected and as the country heads for polls they worry they won’t be able to vote.
Native Americans Helped Invent American Democracy But Are Often Prevented From Practicing It
American democracy would not have seen light of day without the contribution of Native Americans. However, their rights to participation are often dented.
How do you know voting by mail works? The U.S. military’s done it since the Civil War
Vote-by-mail has been used before. The U.S. military did it during the Civil War with success. It continues to do so today. This is how we know it works.
Don’t pave the way for authoritarian spheres of influence
To prevent Beijing and Moscow from becoming the dominant powers in their region, Washington must reject the advice to cut loose vulnerable frontline allies.
Coronavirus could cripple voting in November. But it depends where you live
There is the risk that coronavirus could affect the November 2020 elections adversely. However, this depends on where you live in the country.
Vote-by-mail benefits neither party and is nearly fraud-free, new studies find
Does vote-by-mail benefit one party and not the other? A new study has determined that this election method benefits neither party and is nearly fraud-free.