The fact that California permits such measures to be placed on the ballot in the first place is by far the biggest issue with Prop 1.
Carmel’s Cautionary Tale for Post-Roe America
The lesson is about… the human horrors of letting judges, or anyone else, determine our rights on the basis of history – especially when history omits so much.
Mix Of Ego And Insecurity Drives The Race For L.A. Mayor
Angelenos may complain about state government like other Californians, but we have a practice of using Sacramento as training for local politicians.
The California Post That Might Need A Republican
Question: In the exclusively Democratic constellation of California statewide officials, how many places are there where a Republican star might fit?
California’s Economy Needs A Diversity Strategy
Why aren’t we hearing more about it from our politicians? Because the diversity we are losing is not in our demography but in our economy.
Let The Californian People Solve The Homelessness Crisis
The answer lies in a tool of popular democracy that is little known in California, but has become a common method for addressing desperate problems.
What If Everyday People Ran Los Angeles?
If the crisis in democracy had a capital, it would be Los Angeles. And if democracy is going to be saved, that rescue needs to start in California.