INTERVIEW: Reformer Seeks Radical Changes Asking if a More Direct Form of Democracy be Built in Canada or the US?
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Election Method Reformer Speaks With DC
Election Method Reformer, DC Author and Activist Richard Fobes Discusses State of Election Method Reform in the US
Citizen United to be Reviewed by Supreme Court
Citizen United to be Reviewed: Chance to Reverse Citizen’s United Before Presidential Elections
Independent Federal Agency Brings Transparency to TV Ads
Transparency to TV: Move Hailed as ‘Big Step in the Right Direction and Powerful Signal to Campaign Donors
Of Princes, Blind Lawyers and the Future of Chinese Democracy
Future of Chinese Democracy: If China is going to avoid the political icebergs that are ahead, its leadership must steer a clear path towards democracy. The Chinese people are as capable of governing themselves as anyone else.
Did Changes to Election Methods Hand Romney a Win?
Latest Republican Presidential Race is Being Closely Defined by Changes to Election Method Setup
Europe and the Declaration of Independence
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (for Europeans): A democratic government can be formed of the Europeans, by the Europeans and for the Europeans – and the world would be a much better place as a result.
Courts Strike Down Arizona’s Vile Voter Registration Law
Federal Elections Protected From States by Court Defeat of Arizona’s Vile Voter Registration Law
Petition Against Citizens United Decision Gains Steam
SIGN the Petition Against Citizens United: Bernie Sanders Fights Political Corruption Head-on
Missouri Redistricting Plan Opposed by Democracy Groups
Politically Biased Plan Draws Outrage at Missouri Redistricting as Problems Mount Ahead of Vote