Shelley Ingli had this very interesting perspective in The Print. Here is an excerpt:
[The decision by court to imprison opposition leader Alexei Navalny] infuriated Russians and spurred thousands to protest. The nationwide demonstrations united disparate opposition groups into one movement that is challenging President Vladimir Putin’s 20-year rule. Now Navalny’s current ill health is again galvanizing protesters.
If persecuting Navalny energizes the opposition against Putin, is it a misstep by Russia’s leader?
As an international legal scholar and professor of human rights, I’ve found that sometimes, strong-arm tactics by autocratic leaders do trigger a reaction that ultimately topples their regime. Often, though, repressive tactics like detention, torture and prosecution help autocrats stay in power.
Read the full article here. Also, visit the main Democracy Chronicles section on World Democracy or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
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