This story is from Democracy Digest:
Hong Kong activists are planning to take advantage of forthcoming opportunities to counter the recent crackdown on the pro-democracy movement. “We’re only at half-time in the match,” one activist suggested. But Beijing appears equally determined to score a definitive victory by effectively revoking the “one country, two systems” framework, an online forum heard today.
“Beijing looks ready to step up mass disqualifications of lawmakers ahead of the Legislative Council elections,” said one participant. “This would be a substantial escalation, particularly as those who look set to be targeted have never advocated for self-determination.”
The principal challenge for defending Hong Kong’s autonomy and civic freedoms is maintaining and enforcing the Basic Law and, as an international treaty, it’s breach should be raised at the UN Security Council, the forum – hosted by Hong Kong Watch – heard. But Beijing had also violated several international obligations in the course of covering up the virus outbreak in Wuhan and while there is a demonstrable legal case to be made, there are questions over whether other states, including leading democracies, have the political will to confront Beijing.
Read the full story here.
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