In currently-published atlases and magazines, there are, very nearly, only two world map-projections that are ever encountered nowadays.
Maybe publishers are sensitive to cartographers’ criticism of various map-projections, and are therefore reluctant to incur cartographers’ criticism by running afoul of current cartographic fashion.
The purpose of this poll is to find out which map projections people actually like and prefer.
Click on the link below, to get to the poll.
The poll actually consists of a brief article and a poll because the initial poll-description is really more of an article about world map-projections. It includes descriptions of the maps, explanations of their construction (for those who are curious or interested in that), and mention of the projections’ advantages and disadvantages.
But, as I say in the poll-description, feel free to disregard the construction-explanations if it isn’t something that you want to hear about. Rank the world map-projections according to your preference, as if we were voting on what map to feature in a world atlas, or what map to adopt for National Geographic magazine.
Choose according to any standard you like such as which ones look like the best world map to you, which ones most realistically portray the Earth, or which ones would be the most useful.
How you choose is up to you so feel free!
Click here to vote in the poll. Below you can see the eight maps in question:

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