The article in Central Maine is much suggested read.
So you think you finally have ranked-choice voting figured out?
Wait until March.
Assuming Gov. Janet Mills signs it into law – she has until Thursday to decide – a newly passed bill requiring that Maine use ranked-choice voting in its March 3 “Super Tuesday” presidential primary adds a whole new wrinkle to what many already viewed as a complex process.
“It’s a bit of a head scratcher,” Secretary of State Matt Dunlap agreed in an interview Friday.
The new law, passed by the House in June and by the Senate in a surprise vote during the Legislature’s special session Monday, introduces the ranked-choice process to an election that, in truth, really isn’t an election.
More on that in a minute. First, let’s review this newspaper’s boilerplate explanation of how ranked-choice has worked in Maine since it was first used statewide in June 2018:
See full story here.
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