Florida’s Jeb Bush won’t confirm or deny his possible plans For 2016 election for president | Democracy, elections and voting at Democracy Chronicles
American voters may not have seen the last of the Bush dynasty yet. During a March 4th appearance on the “Today Show” Jeb Bush voiced that while he had no immediate plans to announce his candidacy, he wouldn’t “rule out” a presidential run in 2016. Other topics covered in the interview included Bush’s views on the recent fiscal cuts and the future of the Republican party, which the former Florida governor admitted had “lost its way” in recent years.
TODAY News reported on the interview:
Bush faulted both the Republican party and its 2012 presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, for failing to garner more support from Hispanic voters during the last election cycle. “Gov. Romney put himself in a box, I think, in the primary by trying to out(-conservative) conservatives, some very good conservative candidates, and never really recovered from it,” Bush said.
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