Is contemporary capitalism compatible with liberal democracy? The glib answer, though not wrong, is that it had better be.
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
Impact of Hong Kong pro-democracy protests on China and world is rattling
In impact terms, Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests are rattling China and the world and “we may be seeing a tragedy unfolding again right before our eyes”.
Democracy & authoritarianism in a ‘process of competitive decay’ – outcome uncertain
Late French political philosopher Pierre Hassner argued that the world was witnessing a process of competitive decay between USA and the Soviet Union.
Claims of disinformation in Hong Kong by Facebook and Twitter
Facebook, Twitter have made claims of disinformation in Hong Kong by China, taking down accounts purportedly used by its regime to spread disinformation.
Cameroon: authorities tortured detainees
Cameroon authorities held 100+ detainees incommunicado and tortured several in facility in Yaoundé, from July 23 to August 4, 2019, Human Rights Watch.
150 years of data proves autocrats are bad for the economy
Deference to autocratic rulers is not only a bad idea for democracy: It’s terrible for the economy, too, according to a new analysis.
At hinge in history, democracies need renewal to survive
Every generation is tempted to think that its challenges are unique. History teaches otherwise. Democracies can die — of that there should be no doubt.
Japan & South Korea should ‘lead the charge’ for democracy in Asia, but….
Japan and South Korea should lead charge for democracy in Asia, argues Hudson Institute analyst John Lee. Recent developments cast doubt on that prospect.
Why equality is one of the key ingredients for successful democracy
On what is needed for democracy to survive, a recent post from Democracy Digest suggests one of the key ingredients for successful democracy is equality.
‘Unprincipled cut-and-run’ would betray Afghanistan’s fragile democratic process
Does U.S. risk turning a chance for success in Afghanistan into a shameful failure? It could be dragged back into the conflict at a far greater cost.