Cambodia’s Parliament passed legislation Thursday that could allow a five-year ban on political activity by some top opposition politicians to be lifted.
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
Former Venezuela Oil Minister Dies in Jail
Martinez, jailed former head of Venezuela’s state-run oil giant PDVSA who was arrested as part of anti-corruption purge, died in state custody Wednesday.
Congo Faces Pivotal Poll After 2 Years of Delays
Congo faces pivotal poll after 2 years of delays. Two main candidates are vying to replace Kabila, one is his handpicked successor and an opposition leader.
Singapore Urged to Drop Defamation Charges Against Editor
Singapore authorities should drop criminal defamation charges against Terry Xu of The Online Citizen for publishing a letter about government corruption.
Myanmar Activists Stage Rally on Anniversary of Reporters’ Arrest
Myanmar activists stage rally on anniversary of Reuters reporters’ arrest in a landmark free speech case by releasing balloons in a rally at Yangon.
Hungary Creates New Court System Under Government Control
Hungary creates new court system under Government control giving P.M Orban’s government close control over what will become a crucial part of the judiciary.
Ecuador Congress Names 35 Year-Old Broadcaster as New VP
Ecuador’s congress on Tuesday named a 35-year-old radio broadcaster and economist, Otto Sonne nholzner as the country’s new vice president.
Comparative Perspectives on Political Finance Regulations
Money is a necessary component of the democratic process, enabling the expression of political support as well as competition in elections.
Top Candidate Absent From Nigerian Election Accord Ceremony
Nigeria’s opposition candidate absent at the signing of an election agreement stating a commitment to hold peaceful election early next year.
Thai Government Lifts Politics Bans Ahead of Polls
Thai government on Tuesday lifted ban on political activities imposed when it seized power in a coup, action taken in preparation for 2019 polls.