EU authorities have asked Google, Facebook and Twitter to file monthly reports on eradicating “fake news” campaigns ahead of elections next year.
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
Indonesian Rights Groups Decry West Papuan Arrests
Indonesian human rights groups decried the arrests made of West Papuan students and pro-independence activists after Sunday’s peaceful rally.
VIDEO: Latin America Constitutional Democracy And Electoral Integrity
Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy at Boston held an international conference “Electoral Integrity and Constitutional Democracy in Latin America”.
Cuba Softens New Law on Artistic Expression
Cuba softens new law on artistic expression that could give government power to stop performance deemed to violate country’s socialist revolutionary values.
UN Should Investigate 1988 Iran Mass Executions, Amnesty Says
Iran is guilty of crimes against humanity for covering up the mass executions of at least 5,000 political prisoners 30 years ago,says Amnesty International.
Venezuela’s Next Generation of Opposition Plays a Long Game
Many of the beleaguered opposition figures remaining in the country see their best hopes in capitalizing on widespread discontent with Maduro’s rule.
VIDEO: Russian Experts See Inevitable Collapse Of Putin’s System
Speakers shared their views of past events, current events, and the inevitable future Vladimir Putin has brought to the Russian Federation.
Why Malaysia Should Keep its Moratorium on Abusive Laws
The Malaysian government should reconsider its decision to lift the moratorium on laws previously used to repress dissent, Human Rights Watch said today.
VIDEO: A Discussion With Head Of UN Peacekeeping Operations
The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) held a seminar on a new and soul searching book “UN Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order”.
Court Jails 77-Year-Old Russian Rights Activist
A 77-year old Russian human rights activist was sentenced Wednesday by a Moscow court to 25 days in jail for calling for an unauthorized protest.