A handful of highly placed Russians have discovered their secrets seeping onto the web. The man behind the disclosures says more are coming.
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
Questioning the Design of Burma’s Human Rights Commission
A new government commission investigating human rights abuses in Myanmar’s Rakhine state is being criticized by skeptics a day after it was announced.
Prominent South Sudanese Economist and Critic Arrested
South Sudanese authorities have arrested a prominent economist and critic of both the government and rebels, his wife said on Tuesday
Cambodia Set to Become One Party State
In sham elections in which main opposition party was banned, the Cambodian People’s Party said it now controls all 125 seats in the National Assembly.
Somalia, Eritrea Mend Ties as Change Sweeps Horn of Africa
Somalia and Eritrea establish diplomatic ties after over a decade of animosity, in the latest lightning rapprochement between Horn of Africa rivals.
How Mali and Zimbabwe Elections Are Testing Organizers
Numerous countries have seen increasing attacks on core elements of democracies, including guarantees of free and fair elections
New Cuban President Changes Government Style, Not Substance
Some hoped he might move quickly to breathe new life into reforms aimed at modernizing one of the world’s last communist-run countries
Thousands of Protesters Chant Anti-Putin Slogans at Moscow Rally
Massive protests target increase to the retirement age and crowd chants anti Putin slogans whose approval ratings have been dented by the bill
Mali Election’s New Hopefuls Include Gold Magnate and Tech Leader
Both have dabbled in politics but come from the world of business, raising hopes that they could better tackle rampant corruption
VIDEO: Reclaiming the Internet for Democracy
How are various groups working to ensure that the internet remains an open platform for democratic engagement?