Widespread public discontent at flagging economy is battering Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
Candidates Using Startup Quid For Campaign Research
Monitoring online activity of voters with startup Quid is latest campaign tech for 2015 election
Cambodian Activists Jailed For Leading Democracy Protests
Eleven Cambodian activists jailed for role in last years pro-democracy movement after court ruling
Chinese Lawyers and Activists Snared in Arrest Campaign
Crackdown on Chinese lawyers and human rights activists is sign of worsening arena for dissent
Cuban Democracy Activists See Uncertain Future Ahead
Following high-level US rapprochement, Cuban democracy activists consider fruits of their efforts
Six Examples of Russian Artists Suffering From Crackdown
Declining freedoms evident in stories of Russian artists forced to respond to government meddling
New Tajikistan Media Law is Step in Wrong Direction
News outlets will be forced to quote exclusively from state-run Tajikistan media under new laws
You’re Required to Vote Yes in North Korean Local Vote
The bizarrely undemocratic pageantry of North Korean local vote is a special exercise in absurdity
Shock Brazilian Ex-President Lula Corruption Investigation
Wave of investigations reaches fevered pitch as Lula corruption allegations spark soul searching
Silicon Valley Lobbyists Becoming Major Political Power
National politicians find that lure of big money from Silicon Valley lobbyists is irresistible