Election will test democracy in a newly violent Honduras threatened by violent smuggling gangs
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
Tens of Thousands March Demanding Ukraine-EU Pact
Deep polarization in march demanding Ukraine-EU pact follows decision shunning access to EU markets
The Journey of Dr. Wang Bingzhang (Part 3)
On February 2003, Dr. Wang Bingzhang was given a one-day trial held behind closed doors, during which he was not allowed to speak, no evidence was presented, and no witnesses were called. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment
Bahrain Protests Reignite Following Court Verdict
Middle Eastern country has minority Sunni population that rules majority Shiites without elections Bahrain Protests Reignite
Will Ingrid Betancourt Run for Colombia President?
Dramatic rescue of politician from FARC paved way for Ingrid Betancourt run for Colombia President
Rob Ford Fiasco Should Spur Canada Election Reform
Canada Election Reform: local and federal election (and recall) reform is following controversy of Rob Ford fiasco
Thailand Controversy Over Abolishing Senate Completely
Major political powers in Thailand controversy continue to clash as new election law changes draw controversy
Jailed Dissident BingZhang’s Family Want Chinese Reform
Dr. Wang BingZhang’s family pen New York Times call for deeper China reform in fast-changing giant
Mass Kenya Protests Seek Press Freedom
African country has seen series of new laws causing concern for democracy’s progress as Kenya protests seek press freedom
Will Genocidal Warlord Joseph Kony Surrender?
Blamed for countless atrocities in several of the poorest countries in world, there is very little hope for war criminal Joseph Kony surrender