Somaliland will vote in parliamentary and local elections Monday, highlighting progress in the semi-autonomous region of Somalia.
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
On Fixing Pakistan’s Creaky Democracy
Fixing Pakistan’s creaky democracy needs being guided by Western parliamentary democracies not only in form but also in substance.
Stage-Managed Presidential Race Harms Iranian People
Iran’s elections are stage-managed. June 18 will see Iranians vote for a new president in an election that is set to be restricted.
Hong Kong’s ‘Grandma Wong’ Arrested For Tiananmen Protest
A 65-year-old democratic activist known as “Grandma Wong” was arrested by Hong Kong police while staging a lone anti-China rally.
North Korea Gives Details On Its Orphan Labor Program
Hundreds of children “with wisdom and courage in their prime” have volunteered to work for the state, North Korean media said.
Belarus’s Hijacking Is A Sign Of Weakness
Was Belarus’s state hijacking of a plane last Sunday to arrest a dissident a show of force by President Lukashenko or an act of desperation?
Elections And Covid-19 In Latin American
South America’s electoral future, nationally and regionally, depends on how it handles the impact of COVID-19 on its political landscape.
The Missteps In The Afghan Democratisation Process
Afghan democracy depends on drawing on the lessons learned over the last two decades and informing policy based on evidence.
Mali Coup: Colonel Goïta Seizes Power, Again
Assimi Goita has been authorised by Mali’s constitutional court to lead as Interim President. Goita first seized power in August 2020.
Child Prosecuted for Insulting Thailand Monarchy
A child has been prosecuted in Thailand for insulting the monarchy. HRW urged authorities to drop such charges against children.