The oldest democratic tradition in Switzerland is petitioning. Every year, petitions with tens of thousands of signatures are sent to parliament.
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
Can The Courts Protect Democracy In Africa?
The judiciary’s resolve to defend the constitution and democracy despite heavy political pressure is a source of hope and inspiration.
French Ex-President Sarkozy Faces Campaign Financing Trial
Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of France, is back in court for a campaign financing trial after being convicted guilty of corruption.
Benin Downgraded In Ranking Of Democratic Freedoms
CIVICUS Monitor, an online database that monitors abuses of civic freedoms, downgraded Benin from Obstructed to Repressed.
Concern About Armenian Democracy Follows Recent Conflicts
Armenia, the eternal phoenix, may be reborn again, but only if the hand of those who want to bury it in ashes today is stopped.
Belarus’s Channels Of Civil Society Are Being Destroyed, a Belarusian website that reported on protests against President Lukashenko’s election fraud, has been taken offline.
Kenya’s Controversial Constitutional Reforms Blocked In Court
Kenya’s constitutional reforms born from a new-found alliance between President Kenyatta and Raila Odinga have been barred in Court.
Europeans Vs American Thinking On Mandatory Voting
In three key European states a majority of adults back compulsory voting but opinions in the United States are far more divided.
Malaysia Cartoonist Investigated Over Criticism Of Politician
Malaysian authorities are harassing Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque over a cartoon in which the cartoonist allegedly mocked a regional minister.
Russia’s extremism trial aims to break Navalny’s network
The Russian government is using an extremism trial to put an end to the protests around opposition figure Alexei Navalny.