Bern in Switzerland is known for its bear pit and for being a World Heritage site since 1983. But it is also the Swiss capital of women politics
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Clubhouse App Lets Thai Pro-Democracy Protesters Speak Freely
Clubhouse is an invite-only audio app that is surging in popularity in Thailand as a protest movement continues.
Attacks on Judicial Independence in Haiti Damage Democracy
Haiti’s government has ramped up repression as it recently made arbitrary changes to the Supreme Court’s composition and detained three justices.
Myanmar’s Pro-Democracy Protest Movement Is Strengthening
The Feb 1, 2021 Coup in Myanmar has instead sparked growing democracy protests calling for an end to the military take over.
Anarchism In Practice Is Often Radically Boring Democracy
Anarchy may very well be considered as something that is different from the violent, lawless chaos many people picture it to be.
Think Tanks as Platforms for Authoritarian Influence
Report describes the ways in which authoritarian countries seek to use think tanks as instruments of sharp power.
The Protests That Shook Algeria Are Back
In 2019 Algerians called for democracy. They again returned to the streets last week in democracy protests that worry the government.
10 Years After Independence, Violence Engulfs South Sudan
South Sudan gained independence in 2011 but the country quickly spiraled into a deadly conflict that continues ten years after.
How rich is Russia’s President Vladimir Putin?
“Putin’s Palace” rehashed the question of how rich Putin is. Hermitage Capital’s Bill Browder believes he has the answer.
China Censors the Internet. So Why Doesn’t Russia?
China and Russia are among the world’s most repressive states. But for some reason China censors the internet and Russia doesn’t.