Mainstream science education generally does not, but should, educate students against fascist views such as racism, sexism, homophobia.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Afghanistan: 65 media workers, rights defenders killed since 2018
In Afghanistan, at least 65 workers, rights defenders have been killed since 2018. It is a trend that creates fear in the population.
Pakistan: Professor Muhammad Ismail denied bail
CIVICUS called for the release of Pakistani human rights defender Prof. Muhammad Ismail following refusal of bail today by a Peshawar anti-terrorism court.
Hong Kong: Two activists plead guilty to illegal assembly
Two Hong Kong pro-democracy activists pleaded guilty on Tuesday to organizing or participating in an illegal assembly in 2019.
Belarus: Police raid homes of journalists, activists
Police in Belarus have ramped up raids on the homes and offices of pro-democracy activists, journalists, union members, to silence dissent.
China Urged to Release 7 Journalists Who Reported on COVID-19
Reporters without Borders called on Chinese authorities to release seven journalists arrested for reporting on the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan a year ago.
Organized crime is exploiting COVID to seize state power
Opportunists have taken advantage of the COVID-19 outbreak. One way this is happening is in organised crime exploiting it to seize power.
Bahrain: 10 years on, pro-democracy movement crushed
10 years on, the demo-optimism that drove the February 2011 movement for democracy in Bahrain as been crushed as the world looks on.
UAE jails Jordanian for 10 years for criticising Jordan’s gov’t
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged in the UAE to immediately release Ahmed Etoum jailed for criticising the government of Jordan.
A Decade After the Arab Spring, Autocrats Still Rule the Mideast
Although the Arab Spring of early 2011 onwards largely failed, it gave the people of the Maghreb and Middle East an appetite for change.