“People power, which democratized countries from South Korea and Poland in the 1980s to Georgia and Ukraine in the 2000s and Tunisia in 2010, has been on a losing streak”, perspective.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Chinese Authorities Aim to ‘Liberate’ Tibetan Believers
China has launched the 70th anniversary of the “liberation” of Tibet. Its envoys claim China aims to “liberate” Tibetan believers.
Democratic renewal? Belarus’s popular movement shows how it’s done
In recent months Belarusians have steadily asked Alexander Lukashenko to leave office. Their popular movement demonstrates how democratic renewal is done.
Conde Seeks Controversial Third Term in Guinea Elections
To address the political crisis after Lansana Conté, Guine adopted presidential term limits. Yet President Condé sought a third term in Sunday’s polls.
State retaliation against journalists ‘chills’ Egypt’s media
Increasing repression on journalists has “chilled” the media in Egypt. There are concerns over the recent arrest of the brother of a prominent journalist.
Post-Pandemic World? ‘China’s Narrative Power Play’
During the Covid outbreak might have moved the post-pandemic order closer to the authoritarian end, according to a new analysis.
China’s soft power headed for a hard landing?
Views of China have grown more negative in recent years across many advanced economies, and unfavorable opinion has soared over the past year, survey shows.
Cuba throws its repressive playbook at activist
Cuban journalist Camila Acosta has learned from experience the tools in Cuba’s repressive play book. She has endured multiple instances of targeted abuse.
Zimbabwe looks to criminalise meetings with other countries
In a new low, Zimbabwe’s wants to make it a criminal offence for citizens to hold meetings with foreign governments without state approval.
‘Memory Wars’: Overcoming polarization in Ukraine
Historical memory and national identity have been a point of contention and subject for manipulation since independence in Ukraine, report.