Belarus has witnessed pro-democracy protests directed at its dictator, Alexander Lukashenko. Theater director Pavel Latushko was dismissed in repression.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Coup in Mali: disgruntled Malian army carries out popular instruction to remove President
A disgruntled Malian army has carried out popular instruction for it to oust President Boubackar Keita. The transition is a unique opportunity for progress.
Averting a Mushroom Cloud of Impunity in Lebanon
On August 4, 2020, a blast destroyed much of Lebanon’s Beirut port and half the city. The corrupt nature of the country means impunity needs to be averted.
Top South Africa Minister Says Crisis in Zimbabwe Needs Urgent Action
A top South African Minister says the crisis in Zimbabwe needs urgent action. Since the crisis started Zimbabwe has denied its existence.
ANC: Africans Should Resolve Zimbabwe Political Crisis
Zimbabwe has become more unstable since Mnanagwa’s violent ascendancy. South Africa that sent envoys this week advocates an African solution to the crisis.
How Covid exposes authoritarian weaknesses
Authoritarian governments have used the coronavirus pandemic to widen powers. However, COVID-19 has also exposed the weaknesses of these regimes.
Nigeria: Singer Sentenced to Death for ‘Blasphemy’
Secular by law, Sharia courts are still allowed to operate in Nigeria. One such court sentenced 22-year-old singer Aminu Sharif to death for blasphemy
Zimbabwe President Decries ‘Divisive Falsehoods’ Over Rights Abuse Claims
Zimbabwe’s government has grown more corrupt and repressive since 2017 but Mnangagwa decried ‘divisive falsehoods’ over recent rights abuse claims.
Lebanon – ‘big blast should lead to big change’
On August 4, 2020, a blast devastated Beirut’s port and half the city. This comes against the backdrop of deep corruption and a crumbling political system.
Recognizing journalist who exposed Ukraine’s Holodomor
Gareth Jones, a British journalist, exposed Stalin’s genocidal Ukraine famine. Kyiv Council recognised him, naming a street in the capital after him.