Some critics of government’s response to COVID-19 in Bangladesh are facing the law over charges of spreading rumours and misinformation on facebook.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
How to resist the authoritarian surge
There is still a “sort of love of liberalism all over the world, even in places like Russia and China…It is obviously there in Hong Kong”, expert.
As coronavirus threatens legitimacy, China targets victims and critics
The rest of the world has asked China for coronavirus compensation. While this is happening, China is clamping down on voices at home seeking answers.
Falling for China’s Fake Covid-19 News Was Dangerous and Preventable
Coronavirus: “everyone – the US government, the WHO, journalists, public health officials, and others – should have known better than to trust Beijing’s claims”.
COVID-19’s regime-type fallacy: Autocrats also feeling strain
Autocrats have transformed the coronavirus pandemic into an opportunity to further restrict freedoms. But they also feel the strain.
How China exploits the pandemic it helped cause
China has been blamed for lighting up the coronavirus fire. A new perspective examines how it is now exploiting it to its own advantage.
‘He Found One of Stalin’s Mass Graves. Now He’s in Jail’
Amateur historian, Yuri Dmitriev, finally found Stalin’s mass graves. He is now in jail for paedophilia, a charge often used to silence voices in Russia.
‘Beginning of the end’ for Hong Kong? Two systems ‘dead as a Dodo’
Hong Kong pro-democracy activists are looking to seize opportunities to counter crack-down, Beijing a plan to end the “one country, two systems” framework.
Autocratic assertion meets democratic dereliction
During coronavirus, autocrats and would be ones are finding opportunities for tyranny, insisting that this is to protect public health, Economist.
COVID-19’s new pretexts for consolidating autocrats’ power
Coronavirus has inspired dictatorships in the world that are not wasting any opportunity to achieve even tighter grip on basic freedoms.