The coronavirus pandemic has been a rare moment of global solidarity. However, Hungary has somehow used it to stoke xenophobia
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
How to deal with authoritarian states?
Expert suggests how a country treats its population, what ideology motivates it, and its approach to the outside world as criteria for dealing with it.
How the coronavirus ‘exposes lie at the heart of Communist China’
The way the spread of the Corona virus was managed by China is why experts say China needs a more open, democratic, and trustworthy political system.
Iran, China and Venezuela called out on human rights abuses
State Department’s 2019 Country Human Rights Report shows deterioration in respect for human rights globally but, Iran, China and Venezuela in particular.
Zimbabwe: missing pro-democracy campaigner’s wife appeals for president’s help
Itai Dzamara is a Zimbabwean pro-democracy campaigner who got missing five years ago. His wife, Sheffra Dzamara, has appealed for Mnangagwa’s help.
How authoritarians subvert constitutional constraints
Authoritarian leaders rule by undermining controls to unlimited government. One way they do this is by subverting constitutional constraints.
Stand with North Korean victims
A coalition of rights-oriented groups says the South Korean government should re-engage on promoting accountability for human rights abuses in North Korea.
Arrested Zimbabwe Opposition MDC Activists Expected to Face Charges of Violence
At least 10 members of Zimbawe’s leading opposition party arrested Saturdary to appear in court Monday March 3, facing charges of promoting public violence.
Tanzanian Journalist Critical of President Magufuli Freed From Prison
Journalist Erick Kabendera, who was jailed last year after he criticized President Magufuli. A judge has ordered his release
Why the failure of the Arab Spring in Egypt is Mubarak’s Legacy
The push for democracy during the Arab Spring failed in Egypt. This was ultimately because of the groundwork laid down by the Hosni Mubarak’s regime.