In complicity with armed ethnic Fulani, Government forces massacred several villagers in an Anglophone village in Cameroon, Human Rights Watch reports.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Here is how to defeat populism
There is agreement that populism is bad for democracy. Full democracies should learn from liberals fighting the good fight in less stable democracies.
The Iranian regime is facing a fundamental test of legitimacy
Iranians voted for a new parliament Friday. Hard-line factions are set to win the polls. This could cripple the more moderate president, Hassan Rouhani.
Zimbabwe’s Opposition MDC Youth Stage ‘Unplanned’ Protest in Harare
Zimbabwe’s economy has not improved since President Emmerson Mnangagwa came to power following a coup. The opposition has launched renewed protests.
Return of military intervention in Latin America: Implications for Democracy
Military interventions were receding in Latin America. Their resurgence raises worries as to how they may impact democracy on the continent.
Report: Repression Intensifying in Zimbabwe As Old Guard, Military in Firm Control
It’s two years since the coup that brought him to power but nothing shows that Mnangagwa’s reforms will see the day of light. The army is still in control.
How to protect democracy from cyber attacks
A new report explores how leading authoritarian regimes have exploited democratic norms and transformed the market for information into a dangerous tool.
Former Sudanese dictator could be sent to the ICC
Al-Bashir used the cover of presidential power to avoid ICC arrest. Now he may be sent there to answer to crimes against humanity.
‘Nowhere To Hide’: Who’s proliferating digital authoritarianism?
Is China pursuing a grand strategy to systematically proliferate digital authoritarian tools? Its efforts vary by country, local context, and interests.
Africa’s evolving regimes: Totalitarian or autocratic?
Democratization took place in Africa in the early 1990s but most African states became electoral autocracies. However, these systems are not totalitarian.