An article in Democracy Digest states observers as suggesting that it is a mistake to conflate militarized forms of regime change with advancing democracy.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Zimbabwe Vice President’s Wife, Marry Chiwenga, Charged with His Attempted Murder
Marry Chiwenga, wife to Constantino Chiwenga, Zimbabwe’s Vice President, remanded in custody on charges that she attempted to kill her husband.
Africa’s ‘engines of democracy’
Urbanization complements two other recent trends which augur well for African governance by increasing political demand for transparency.
Totalitarianism and weak civil society, recipes for ‘social explosion’ in Iran
An article in Democracy Digest argues that Iran’s totalitarianism when combined with a weak civil society constitutes a recipe for ‘social explosion’.
EVENT: Exposing the ‘dark reality’ behind Cuba’s medical missions
The Organization of American States and Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation host event to discuss the indecorous character of Cuban medical missions.
Sudan’s former dictator still at large for crimes against humanity
Al-Bashir’s lenient 2-year sentence to a “reform” facility leaves him at large for more egregious crimes including years of mass murder with impunity.
China’s corrosive capitalism clashes with western democratic meritocracy
As China expands its role on the international stage, its form of capitalism is invariably [clashes] with the liberal meritocratic capitalism of the West.
Can Japan help to reshape the liberal international order?
Japan has not experienced populist waves so this heads off arguments that the liberal international order is a surrogate for Western primacy, expert.
UK Conservatives Secure Historic Parliamentary Majority
Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party has won a solid majority of seats in Britain’s Parliament — a decisive outcome to a Brexit-dominated election.
Teenage Climate Change Activist Thundberg Named Time’s Person of the Year
Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teenage climate activist, was named 2019 Time magazine Person of the Year. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2019.