Opposition party Pheu Thai may block formation of a quorum in Monday’s special Parliament sitting on the new MP election bill.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
Democracies Taking Tougher Approach To Foreign Interference
Advanced democracies are increasingly tough on Beijing, adopting a much tougher stance toward Chinese inbound investments.
After a Bitter Contest, Kenyan Opposition Leader Rejects Election Result
Raila Odinga said Monday’s results giving Victory to William Ruto should be thrown out. It appears that the case will be heard in court.
Corruption Impedes Rollout Of Clean Energy In Bosnia
Attempts to take advantage Bosnia’s sustainable energy potential are being thwarted by corruption, economic interests and bureaucracy.
William Ruto declared winner of Kenyan presidential vote
Upon announcement of Ruto’s victory, chaos broke out at the electoral board. There could be more turmoil in the coming days.
A Greek Scandal Reverberates As Eavesdropping Expands In Europe
Revelations that a top opposition figure’s cell phone was bugged has alarmed government, raising worries of the extent of such espionage.
How The Ultrarich Use Media Ownership As A Political Investment
A growing number of billionaires globally are combining their political and financial goals with control of significant media outlets.
How Sri Lankans Rose Up to Dethrone A Dynasty
Following President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s resignation, protesters in Colombo, Sri Lanka, were seen having a good time last month.
Why South Korea Just Pardoned The Samsung ‘Prince’
Lee Jae-yong, heir to Samsung who was found guilty of bribery and embezzlement in 2017, has received a special presidential pardon.
Kenya’s Battered Economy Takes Center Stage In Election
Regardless of who wins Kenya’s August 9, 2022, general election, Raila Odinga or William Ruto, the economy needs to be strengthened.