Experts opine late President Ben Ali continues to cast shadow over Tunisia, the only nation to emerge from the Arab Spring as a functioning democracy.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
The Promise of 1989: What went wrong? Time for a second liberation?
Article revisits 1989 and the trajectory of global politics 30 years on, asking what went wrong, and positioning in the prospective of a second liberation.
Dictatorship vs Democracy: NBA Crouching Down to Chinese tyranny!
NBA is under no obligation to apologize to the China for supporting freedom in Hong Kong. But it did just that, crouching down to Chinese tyranny.
United Nations: Act Now to End the Senseless Killings in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon!
Since 2017 Cameroon is locked in a separatist conflict. In the memory of victims, notably Mme Ayafor, the UN should act NOW to end this senseless conflict!
Governments ask Facebook to ease backdoor for law enforcement agencies
The US, UK, Australia have pressured Facebook to easy backdoor for law enforcement agencies, putting billions of users at risk.
Democratic renewal: An ideological dimension to great power competition
Scholar argues that US power is being challenged by rivals like China that are keen to replace Washington as the one to write the rules of global conduct.
Hopes of freedoms and human rights dashed in Cuba
Hopes are increasingly being dashed that reforms in Cuba following the end of the Castro dynasty would lead to more freedoms and respect for human rights.
Reasons why political Islam is a threat to democratic gains in Tunisia
Tunisia is the only Arab Spring country to enjoy democracy. However, it faces threats from political Islam fielded by regional neighbors like Saudi Arabia, UAE.
Iran: Schools Shut Out Children with Disabilities
Children with disabilities face discrimination and significant barriers in getting an education in Iran, HRW and the Center for Human Rights in Iran said.
‘Gems, Warlords and Mercenaries’: Russia’s sharp power playbook in Africa
Russia lacks China’s muscle when it comes to trade and infrastructure but has a shrewd appreciation of the political needs of African dictators.