Ever since the earliest years of this century, Ukraine has been the contested frontier in a grand ideological struggle between democracy and kleptocracy.
Democracy News Headlines
This Democracy News Headlines archive has all our headline articles about the United States and around the world. This is the most well stocked DC category by far with the best coverage of the struggle for democracy but check out World Democracy and our American democracy page for more in-depth information or just visit Democracy in Culture archive for some light news.
A ‘confrontation of monumental proportions is coming’ in Hong Kong
The Sharp Sword stealth drones and the intercontinental ballistic missiles and the truck-borne monuments to the Communist struggle are ready.
China’s authoritarian model poses long-term threat to democracies
China poses a long-term threat to America, to liberal democracy and to the international order, John C. Rood, undersecretary of defense for policy.
Protests in Egypt show Trump’s wrong about Egypt’s Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
Trump has called Egypt junta leader al-Sisi his “faourite dictator” and lauded him as a great leader. But protests in Egypt show Trump is wrong.
Cameroon National Dialogue: worsening repression as teacher arrested over Maurice Kamto participation opinion
Teachers in Cameroon might think twice while talking in class after a colleague was arrested for proposing Maurice Kamto be part of national dialogue.
Why the British constitution’s finest moment should also be its last
The Supreme Court’s unanimity and its reasoning are exemplary. The British version of democracy that we have enjoyed has been rescued for the moment.
Why the world needs the West: Democratic resilience & renewal
The main error of liberal internationalism is, it advocates have mistaken aspiration for reality and so doing have gotten a chunk of causality backwards.
Tunisia: populism and cronyism risk ‘slide toward authoritarian tendencies’
Tunisia’s hopeful transition to a democratic future faces a new challenge. Voters in the country have delivered a sharp rebuke to their political elite.
Iranian democracy: playing the long game
Civil society activist Mariam and her NGO Tavaana aren’t planning for the “day of” the revolution, just as other opponents of the Iranian regime seem to be.
New American sanctions target the “Cubazuela” links
America hit Venezuela with a new round of sanctions Tuesday targeting the crisis-battered country’s ties with Cuba which supports Nicolas Maduro in Caracas.